Write a program to find a specific
number from the Fibonacci sequence.
The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers where, starting
with 0 and 1, each number is the sum of the previous two
numbers. Your program should take user input to get a specific
number from the sequence (so, if the user types 6, they should
get the sixth number in the sequence, the sum of 5 and 8, which
is 13.)
This challenge started 2020 Dec 08 and ended 2020 Dec 15.
def convert(a):
if (a==1):
return 0
elif (a==2):
return 1
elif (a>=3):
return convert(a-1)+convert(a-2)
print("This input is invalid.")
integer = int(input("Enter a number: "))
fibonacci = [0, 1]
index = int(input(">"))
while len(fibonacci) < index:
fibonacci.append(fibonacci[len(fibonacci) - 1] + fibonacci[len(fibonacci) - 2])
print(str(fibonacci[index - 1]))
Will Stark